Emergency can strike at any time without a call. You may find yourself in an emergency situation at some point of time in your life and struggling to get back to life in the emergency room of any hospital. Make sure that you prepare yourself mentally about the condition of the emergency room in the hospital. Calling 9-1-1 and landing directly into the emergency room is a terrifying proposition for many. The technique to manage yourself while in hospital's emergency room needs some preparation.
When the emergency staff of the hospital lifts you from the accident site and your situation is serious enough, it is better to remain quiet and calm. Ambulance services have an experienced staff comprising the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) who have the necessary training to meet all the eventualities. Instead of creating any panic situation in the ambulance, you should let the emergency staff take care of you.
In a situation where you think that you don't really need any immediate emergency, you have the time to look around and search for the emergency service that will meet your expectations. In this way, you will be able to locate the hospital within your area with a well-equipped emergency room.
There are some countries where by the very legislation; the EMTs would transfer you to the hospital which they think is the best one for you. EMTs usually have the information regarding which hospitals would accept the emergency patients and which ones won't. If the EMTs inform you that a particular hospital is not accepting any emergency patients, and still you want to be admitted in the same hospital, the best proposition would be to call your family physician who is affiliated to that particular hospital. Affiliated physicians always have a bed or two reserved for their patients, and you can use this facility.
If any family member is coming along with you, ask him/her to inform the ER doctor who is on the duty at that point of time about your condition and arrival. This would keep the ER doctor fully prepared.
After Arriving in the Emergency Room:
Your first job should be to provide complete details about your medical history to the ER doctor. Do not conceal anything as far as your medical history is concerned. You should have clear idea about the drugs that suit you. You should also provide the ER staff your blood type and other relevant information that may turn out to be instrumental and lifesaving at that moment.
If you are in a state of consciousness and can talk easily, it would be better to keep asking general questions to the ER staff. In this way, you develop high levels of interaction with the ER staff, and this is absolutely necessary.
Finally thank the ER staff who worked against the time to save your life.
All of the above-discussed options will keep you cool and managed during the time of medical emergency.
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